SailAhead friends and team members, Thom and Francine, have embarked on an incredible journey to complete the Great Loop! The Great Loop is a 6,000-mile route circumnavigating the eastern USA and Canada. They are making this voyage aboard their trawler, "Bon Vivant."
Thom giving a speech at the 2023 "Let's Take a Veteran Sailing Event" at the Centerport Yacht Club!
They hope to accomplish this great adventure in one year's time. Starting from the Centerport Yacht Club in Northport Harbor, they set off at first light on Tuesday morning. Their journey began by passing the iconic Lady Liberty and heading north up the Hudson River.
When asked why he decided to undertake such a trip, Thom replied, "Because I wanted an adventure."
Thom Hering is a past commodore of the Centerport Yacht Club. He is also one of the organizers of the annual "Let's Take a Veteran Sailing Event" with SailAhead at the Centerport YC. Thom was an early Champion of SailAhead's, and we wouldn't be where we are as an organization today without his support!
You can follow their journey and get updates on their Instagram, @AdventuresBonVivant.
Good luck Thom and Francine! SailAhead, and all the veterans whose lives you've touched thank you and wish you a difficult and enlightening adventure!